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Babelfisken og Guiseppe Mezzofanti. Kardinalen til høyre. |
Mens vi venter på at bokens visjon skal bli virkelighet, kan vi i mellomtiden fryde oss over de av oss med et godt over gjennomsnitts språkøre.
En av de mest berømte er den italienske kardinalen, lingvisten og hyperpolygloten Giuseppe Mezzofanti (1774-1849). Det sies at kardinalen snakket 38 språk (!) flytende.
Vi leser fra Barnesandnoblereview sin anmeldelse av Micheal Erards nye bok, Babel No More: The Search for the World's Most Extraordinary Language Learners:
The most famous hyperpolyglot is Giuseppe Mezzofanti, the nineteenth-century Bolognese cardinal who was reputed to speak between thirty and seventy languages, ranging from Chaldaean to Algonquin. He spoke them so well, and with such a feather-light foreign accent, according to his Irish biographer, that English visitors mistook him for their countryman Cardinal Charles Acton. (They also said he spoke as if reading from The Spectator.) His ability to learn a language in a matter of days or hours was so devilishly impressive that one suspects Mezzofanti pursued the cardinalate in part to shelter himself from accusations that he had bought the talent from Satan himself.Nå vel. Om ikke hans språktalent var en gave fra de onde makter, så var de ihvertfall ganske så sensasjonelle. I følge legenden skal snekkersønnen Mezzofanti ha tilegnet seg sine to første språk – gresk og latin – ved å overhøre en prests undervisning i nabobygget fra sin fars snekkerverksted. Charles William Russell skildrer det slik i sin biografi:
He was placed, while yet a mere child, in the workshop of his father, to learn the trade of a carpenter. As is usual in the towns of Italy, the elder Mezzofanti, for the most part, plied his craft not with doors, but in the open street. And it chanced that the bench at which the boy was wont to work was situated directly opposite the window of a school kept by an old priest, who instructed a number of pupils in Latin and Greek.Etter å ha tjent som professor i orientalske språk i Bologna i mange år, endte Mezzofanti opp i Roma i 1831 som medlem av Propaganda Fide. I 1833 overtok han som kurator for Vatikanbiblioteket. Fem år senere ble han utnevnt til kardinal, og deltok i konklavet som valgte pave Pius IX i 1846.
Although utterly unacquainted, not only with the Greek alphabet, but even with that of his own language, young Mezzofanti, overhearing the lessons which were taught in the school, caught up every Greek and Latin word that was explained in the several classes, without once having seen a Greek or Latin book!
Lord Byron, som møtte Mezzofanti og testet hans språkkunnskaper, beskrev ham slik:
“A monster of languages, the Briareus of parts of speech, a walking polyglot, and more; who ought to have existed at the time of the Tower of Babel, as universal interpreter. He is, indeed, a marvel unassuming also."Da Giuseppe Mezzofanti døde i 1849 av tyfoidfeber og lungebetennelse, skal hans siste ord ha vært: "Andiamo, andiamo, presto in Paradiso".
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